Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Claire Chainais-Hillairet was general chair of the organisation committee of FVCA8 held in Lille on June 12-16, 2017. Clément Cancès was general chair for the Journée de la Fédération de Recherche Mathématique du Nord–Pas-de-Calais on October, 4. He also organized the closing day of the ANR Geopor on Nov. 7, 2017.

Emmanuel Creusé is a member of the organizing committee of the Study Week Mathematics-Enterprises, which will take place in Lille from January 2018, 29 to February 2018, 02. (see https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/2413/).

Thomas Rey was a main organizer of the Microturbu workshop held in Lille on Oct. 19–20, 2017.

Member of the Organizing Committees

The whole team RAPSODI was involved in the organization of the FVCA8 conference.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Clément Cancès edited the proceedings of FVCA8 together with Pascal Omnes (CEA Saclay & Univ. Paris Nord).


Several member of the team RAPSODI were deeply involved in the reviewing process for the FVCA8 proceedings.


Member of the Editorial Boards

C. Chainais-Hillairet is a member of the editorial board of the North-Western European Journal of Mathematics (http://math.univ-lille1.fr/ nwejm/) and of the International Journal on Finite Volumes (http://www.i2m.univ-amu.fr/IJFV/).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

The members of the team RAPSODI reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals.

Invited Talks

  • C. Cancès was an invited speaker at the MAMERN'11 conference organized at Oujda (Morocco) on May 17-20, 2017: http://mamern11.ump.ma/. He was invited to give talks in several workshops (Oberwolfach ×2, workshop on Finite Volumes in Nice, minisymposium on porous media flows in ENUMATH). He was also invited to give several seminars in France (Inria Paris-LJLL, ENS Rennes, IFPEN Rueil-Malmaison) or abroad (Bonn).

  • C. Chainais-Hillairet was an invited plenary speaker at the SMAI Conference held in Ronce les Bains in June 2017. She gave talks in workshops: workshop on Finite Volumes in Nice and Journées multiphasiques et incertitudes in Nantes in October 2017. She was invited to give lectures in two CIMPA Summer Schools: 10 hours lectures in Ifrane (Summer school on numerical analysis and partial differential equations, May 2017) and 8 hours lectures in Kanpur (Summer school on multiscale computational methods and error control, July 2017).

  • E. Creusé was invited to give a seminar at LAMFA in Amiens. He also gave talks in International conferences (NUMELEC, Paris and ACOMEN, Ghent) and workshops (GATIPOR, Paris).

  • I. Lacroix-Violet was invited to give a seminar at LAMFA in Amiens.

  • T. Rey was invited to give plenary talks in several workshops: Mafran Days in Cambridge, Computational Methods in Kinetic Theory and Related Models in Toulouse, and Mathematical Aspects of Fluids: Kinetic and Dynamics at ENS Paris

Scientific Expertise

C. Cancès reported on scientific proposals for the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ).

Research Administration

C. Cancès is the head of the MaNu Research Group (GdR MaNu, http://gdr-manu.math.cnrs.fr/) funded by the Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Interaction (INSMI) of the French National Center for Research (CNRS).

During the training year 2016-2017, E. Creué got an Inria partial delegation (50%). He had in charge to develop some actions promoted by AMIES (Agency for Mathematics in Interaction with Business and Society). More particularly, his action was devoted to several characteristic points:

  • Management of some PEPS (First support for exploratory projects). Discussions to initiate collaborations between academic researchers in Mathematics and industrial partners,

  • Talks and meeting animations to promote mathematical studies to high school pupils and their teachers, as well as to bachelor students (in Lens, Lille, Douai).

  • Presentation of AMIES to the Mathematical Laboratories of the region Hauts-de-France (Lille, Calais, Lens, Amiens, Valenciennes).

  • Creation of CIME, a node of the network "MSO" (Modelisation - Simulation - Optimisation) developped by AMIES (http://cime.math.cnrs.fr/). CIME is a structure which allows enterprises to find easier mathematician collaborators in the Hauts-de-France, either in the mathematical teams of Inria Lille Nord Europe, or in the mathematical laboratories of the region.

  • Participation to some national events (RUE (Paris, March 2017) - TERATEC (Palaiseau, June 2017), FEM (Paris, December 2017)).

  • Participation to the monthly AMIES meeting.

  • Organisation of the Mathematical Study Week in Mathematics, which will take place in Lille in January 2018.

C. Chainais-Hillairet is head of the Commission Emplois de Recherche of the Lille - Nord Europe Inria research center.

C. Calgaro is a member of the Commission de la Formation et de la Vie Universitaire of the Academic Council of Université Lille 1.

I. Lacroix-Violet, B. Merlet and Thomas Rey are members of the Conseil du Laboratoire Paul Painlevé.

C. Cancès and B. Merlet are members of the commission des thèses of the Ecole doctorale.

I. Lacroix-Violet was organizing the weekly seminar of the ANEDP team of the Paul Painlevé laboratory until last July. She was substituted by T. Rey in September 2017.